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Reverse Phone Lookup


Lookup a phone number to see who's calling

Uncover caller identity and location
Lookup pics and social media profiles
Search confidentially and instantly

How Does a Reverse Phone Lookup Work?

Spokeo's Reverse Phone Search sifts through billions of phone directory and white page records to look for and, when available, summarize the owner's name and details into an easy-to-understand report.

A Reverse Phone Number Lookup Can Provide...


Owner's Details

Full Name

Contact Info

Phone Numbers
Email Addresses
Social Profiles

Social Media

Social Accounts
Dating Profiles


Current Address
Past Addresses

Family Members

Relatives' Names
Contact Info

Personal Details

Estimated Income
Property Ownership
A Reverse Phone Number Lookup Can Provide...

How to use a Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Find Out Who Called or Texted
Find out who's calling so you can decide on the best course of action; search for the phone owner's personal info including name, address, social profiles & more.
Identify Spam Callers
Running annoying repeat callers' phone number through a reverse lookup could identify them as a telemarketer, robocaller, or credit collector.
Avoid Phone Scams
Protect your identity and finances from phone scams; use a phone lookup to reveal a potential fraudster's name and where they're calling from.
Keep Loved Ones Safe
A reverse search of the phone numbers found on your phone bill may reveal that family members or a significant other is texting someone they shouldn’t be.
Verify Identity
A phone search may show that an online date or seller is not the person they claim to be; avoid online predators by verifying their identity before going any further.

What benefit does Spokeo give me over a free Search Engine?

Time-Saving and Hassle-Free
What benefit does Spokeo give me over a free search engine?
Online searches may provide you with some basic information. However, it takes significant time sifting through tens or hundreds of results, not to mention a multitude of web pages, some less relevant than others.
Quick and Efficient
Spokeo quickly and efficiently analyzes 12 billion public records and over 100 social media networks to get the information you're looking for almost instantly. Our databases also compile information from a wide variety of licensed sources that may not be available through basic internet searches. We then serve that information to you in easy-to-read reports.
Advanced Filtering and Updates
Spokeo also saves you time searching with special filtering options that help you pinpoint the person or information you're looking for. We can also notify you when any changes are made or new information is added to the report.

How to know if it's a spam caller

Identify spam callers and telemarketers:
Avoid annoying telemarketer calls and avoid being scammed. Our comprehensive phone database includes business and telemarketer numbers to help you determine if the phone call that you received was from an individual or was a spam / telemarketing call.

In addition, leave comments to warn others about telemarketer and spam calls you have received. Or lookup a particular phone number to read comments written by others about calls they received from that number.

How a Reverse Phone Number Lookup Can Help You

Learn Ways Spokeo’s Reverse Phone Search Can Work For You

Explore more ways Spokeo's Reverse Phone Search can work for you
How to Identify 99% of Phone Scams

Find people by area code

Prefer to browse our directory of phone numbers? Start here with the top 20 area codes in the US.
Bakersfield, Fresno
Erie, Johnstown
Peoria, Bloomington
Lansing, Jackson
Baltimore, Columbia
Baltimore, Annapolis
Colorado Springs
Long Beach, Whittier
Riverside, Corona
Pasadena, Whittier
Los Angeles, Torrance
Inglewood, Compton
Glendale, Van Nuys
Burbank, Sylmar
Los Angeles, Carson
Los Angeles, Bell
Columbus, Tupelo
San Diego, Oceanside
Escondido, Carlsbad
Worcester, Brockton

Identify telemarketer numbers

Tired of receiving annoying phone calls from the same company trying to sell you something? Perhaps your number ended up on some call center's list and now you are getting calls at all hours of the day. Search for that troublesome number and tag it in our database to help steer clear of their calls.


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